My name is Erika. I'm 15 years old and I'm a freshman here at Parish. I have a mom, dad, and a brother who is a junior here. I also have one dog. I camed to Parish in 3rd grade. I lived in Houston till 2012. My main interest is volleyball. I've been playing for about 8 years. In 7th grade I started running track. Last year I tried to manage track and lacross but I'm just going to say that lacross was a one and done thing for me.

My name is Erika. I'm 15 years old and I'm a freshman here at Parish. I have a mom, dad, and a brother who is a junior here. I also have one dog. I camed to Parish in 3rd grade. I lived in Houston till 2012. My main interest is volleyball. I've been playing for about 8 years. In 7th grade I started running track. Last year I tried to manage track and lacross but I'm just going to say that lacross was a one and done thing for me.

My favorite things:


-going to my lake house

-going out to my ranch

-riding horses

-hanging out with friends

-some other things

My favorite things:

  • volleyball
  • going to my lake house
  • going out to my ranch
  • riding horses
  • hanging out with friends some other things
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    B1 Spanish
    B2 Computer Science
    B3 Free
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