Why you should cheat
The school system is criticized for being designed in a way that devalues education, and instead promotes quick
memorization of facts. This creates a system where the intelligent will get C's, while people who think Julius
Ceasar was made up by Shakespeare will get straight A's. In a system that doesn't care for you there is no reason you
should care for the system. Another set back that causes people to cheat is sports. School encourages you to join,
and play in a sport, however it does not cater, or help athletes. It becomes easy for people in sports to fall
behind when they get home at 7:00P.M. instead of 4:00PM. when students lose 3 hours a day for studying it is very
reasonable that they would turn to cheating instead of late nights. The final reasons students should cheat is,
because many students already cheat. And if these students get better grades than you Colleges will choose the
student with the better grade between the two of you. You have the option to report him/her to the school, however
there are only so many people you can report, and socially this is not a viable option, which leaves the only other
option to play their game, and to cheat as well.