span is the standard inline element. An inline element can wrap some text inside a paragraph like this without disrupting the flow of that paragraph. The a element is the most common inline element, since you use them for links.
Simple makes the boxes smaller!
Fancy text makes the box bigger, even though the properties are the same.
relative box 1 test
relative box 2 test
fixed text box test
The margin-left style for sections makes sure there is room for the nav. Otherwise the absolute and static elements would overlap
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus imperdiet, nulla et dictum interdum, nisi lorem egestas odio, vitae scelerisque enim ligula venenatis dolor. Maecenas nisl est, ultrices nec congue eget, auctor vitae massa. Fusce luctus vestibulum augue ut aliquet. Mauris ante ligula, facilisis sed ornare eu, lobortis in odio. Praesent convallis urna a lacus interdum ut hendrerit risus congue. Nunc sagittis dictum nisi, sed ullamcorper ipsum dignissim ac. In at libero sed nunc venenatis imperdiet sed ornare turpis. Donec vitae dui eget tellus gravida venenatis. Integer fringilla congue eros non fermentum. Sed dapibus pulvinar nibh tempor porta. Cras ac leo purus. Mauris quis diam velit.
this box is floating
In this case, the section element is actually after the div. However, since the div is floated to the left, this is what happens: the text in the section is floated around the div and the section surrounds the whole thing. What if we wanted the section to actually appear after the floated element?
this box should not be overlapping and should be below the floating box
this is the bottom section that will follow the boxes