Coding for OOP
Course Info
This course serves as an introduction to object-oriented programming (OOP) and prepares students
for more advanced programming courses. Students will be introduced to OOP through the use of the
Python 3 programming language. Students learn to use classes, methods, functions, parameters,
arguments, if-else statements, and loops through this easy-to-learn language.
Electronic Textbook
Supplemental only - Python Software Foundation
- Python 3 Documentation
PyCharm IDE
We will use the Preffional Edition (free for students) -
Coding Challenge Problems
From UT Dallas -
Think Python 2 ed.
Another Python textbook
Python Resources
- Python Tricks from Dan Bader
- Python Course
- Learn Python the Hard Way
- Think Python 2e
- Real Python Tutorials
- Google's Python Class
- A Bite of Python
- Invent with Python
- The Best Way to Learn: Python